Vision & Mission


  • Support the students to excel in their academic pursuits by providing healthy academic environment
  • Sensitize the students to needs of an Industry and society through Industrial training and social activities
  • Provide opportunities to Institute employees for their professional growth and career advancement.
  • Give guidance and counseling to make students aware of ethical values.


To develop young minds with strong technical expertise, practical skills and ethical values to fulfill needs of Industry, in particular, and society at large.


The institute is governed by Government of Maharashtra and approved by All India Council for Technical Education and Pharmacy Council of India to offer technical level Diploma and Post Diploma programmes in engineering , technology and pharmacy as per The norms of Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education , Mumbai.

Why Choose Us

We are committed to:

  • Groom the learners as the professional human resources & responsible citizens of India.
  • Encourage entrepreneurial skills in learners.
  • Develop institute itself as ‘knowledge-sink’ for the small & medium scale industries in the region.
  • Provide learning & Re-skilling opportunities to adult learners through training & continuing education Institutional Infrastructure.
  • Provide fair opportunities to institute employees for their professional growth & career advancement.
  • Provide effective guidance & counseling, placement & other student’s services.
  • Provide equitable learning opportunities for women, physically challenged & economically weaker sections of the society.

Our Core Values

  • Accountability & Transparency
  • Team Spirit
  • Discipline
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Mutual Trust and Innovation
  • Equality and Satisfaction Of Stakeholders